Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Knowing that I'm moving soon makes it harder to be "present" or stay in the present.....

No wonder moving is so stressful on people.... you have to plan for the future.... not just plan... but expect the plan to materialize...

Yesterday I bought two books...

One is The Pocket Guide to Insects.... very interesting... lots of butterflies and moths... no Luna moths though.... which is just a damn shame.... also, the title of the book suggests that you could put it in your pocket.... but it's actually WAY bigger than pocket size....

The other one is "the Twelve Steps for Anyone.... who really wants them"..... reading through that made me question if I'd been neglecting my spiritual health.... it's all moving's fault anyways... :)

But really.... I haven't felt as "connected" as I usually do.... and I know that that comes in waves.... maybe I'm in the ebb rather than flow.... or maybe I haven't been paying as much attention as I usually do.....

I honestly think the world would be a much safer, peaceful and happier place if everyone would work the 12-steps... not necessarily for a substance addiction..... but the more common addiction to ego, and the physical and material world....

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