Sunday, November 30, 2008

feeding a cold

Me ad Kel this summer... I love My sisters and brother! :)

So, My sister has been in India this past week.... that's really scary, with everything that's been going on in Mumbai... and she was in Mumbai... but left the day before the attacks.... now she's back there and trying to come home... that is such a scary and senseless situation over there ...

I hope she's able to come home soon.... My parents have been in constant contact with her.... that's good.

I still have a very strong desire to go to India... I've wanted to go for a long time... I just want kel home safely..

I'm starting to feel better.... the cold or allergies..... or whatever I've had seems to be getting better....

what do they say? is it "feed a cold, starve a fever" or the other way around? .... anyhoo.... I haven't stopped eating.... jeez..... I barely stop for air!

tomorrow, I plan to get back in my routine....




1 comment:

Justin Voight said...

I like that pic. You and your sis are beautiful! I am glad she is safe. I just don't understand those people. It's all so senseless.