Friday, September 12, 2008

We See DC

today's trip was much better... sibling-wise... or at least from my seat (passenger with June Bug under foot). June went number-two this morning when i walked her at Beech... and she pooped a lot of worms... Tape worms aren't harmful to puppies... but they are GROSS! EWWWW!

But then, not too long after we stopped at a vet clinic, I thought I had a UTI... talking about a UTI is probably TMI... but this is a blog.... so, no secrets here. (ha)

I called around and finally got a doctor t call in a script along our route.... I was so obsessed and so dramatic (for real this time... but also for a real reason) I wouldn't have blamed kel if she would've kicked me out of the car.... seriously.

Cipro rocks...

Those two medical stops took up some time... but we made it to DC by 9pm.

We are staying with Eva, our sister.... i DC. Eva lived with us in Norway for 4 years from 1991-1995.... she's our sister, not by blood... but might as well be... :)

Celicia and Mari were at Eva's when we got here.... They are good friends from when we lived in Norway... none of us have changed... but as one of them said, isn't it sad when you can't wait to grow up to be different... but you grow up to be the same... Thank God we know more than what we ddi in middle school... but also, Thank God we are essentially the same....

Just incase you've never driven in DC: it is not easy to park... at all! I was freaking out.... I imagined that we would drive for 6 hrs trying to find a spot... but one opened up - right in front of Eva's place... and we got it! whew!

Kel and had a great trip today (well, at least I think so...), We are re-starting on the right foot...

Eva's roommate is very rigid... and is allergic to dogs... so we snuck June in the apt when she left.

Eva loves DC and I can see why. I've been here once before and always like it here...

We all cried prayed and laughed together.... I felt so comfortable.... so much so that I hate to leave....

but NY tomorrow... :)

(after thought)- I usually type after everyone has gone to bed... last night I was too tired to be typing...

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