call me lazy.... or whatever.... but i feel like i should blog... because i haven't lately.... and i posted this on face book... so I thought I'd post it here too..
25 Random Things
1. I'm addicted to Soy Chai Lattes (not a cheap addiction)
2. When the Starbucks employees started to greet me with, "Hi Ryann, Soy Chai?" I decided to start going to another Starbucks... I was not comfortable knowing they had caught on to my addiction.
3. I like to make stuff... like art stuff... I also break stuff.. but dont really like breaking stuff...
4. I carry around a big purse... and it's usually filled with rocks, and other random things I find on the ground... sometimes my purse full of rocks is super heavy...
5. My middle name is Suzanne, but not pronounced like you'd think... it's pronounced the Louisiana way.. the French way... and it bugs me when people argue that with me...
6. I have the largest key ring ever, and I can still not find my keys... ever!
7. I like painting birds and insects.... and I like the symbolism and mythology behind them, and how beautiful they are... but I don't want to touch a bird or an insect.... ewwww... so, i'm not really the "bird" person people think I am....
8. i know the lyrics to Warren G "Regulators" .... and have NO problem showing off and rapping it when ever... sometimes even out of the blue.
9. I don't know where I'm "from".... I moved my whole life... and obviously continue to..
10. my parents are from Louisiana (NOLA and BR), but I was born in Stavanger, Norway.
11. born in norway, then moved to Jakarta, and then moved to Medan (both Indonesia), then to Connecticut, then to Bakersfield, CA, then back to Stavanger, norway... then to Houston, Then to Midland (my senior year of highschool), then to Austin, then to Louisiana, Then back to houston, then to Dallas, now i'm floating... between Midland and Austin... about to move back to Austin.
12. I blog:
13. I need to update my web site but I have one:
14. Sometimes I talk, and it makes a lot of sense in my own head... but doesn't make sense coming out of my mouth.
15. I hate talking on the phone
16. i love my family and friends... I have the greatest family and friends... who've helped me soooo much, especially since Carter's death.
17. I love driving on long road trips... even by myself... actually, especially by myself.
18. My favorite words to say are: giggle, and zombies!
19. I've taken my LSAT and my GRE... but have yet to really go to law school or grad school
20. I'm TERRIBLE at math! on my GRE only %5 of people scored below me on the math part (compared to %90 on the verbal and writing parts)... but in college I ROCKED statistics... I have no idea how... but statistics clicked... but simple math, and algebra and the rest just scramble my brain.
21. I have a doggie named Dylan, who is 9 and who I always thought was a weimaraner until I met a "blue lacy" which is the state dog of texas... now I'm not so sure he's a full weimaraner.... I feel like he's lied to me the last 9 years.... maybe i should return him for a REAL weimaraner.... (okay... TOTALLY kidding about the returning him part.)
22. I leave a trail of stuff behind me and don't even realize it...
23. My favorite number ever is 23
24. the last year and a half, I've only worn 3 pair of shoes... uggs, crocks and birkenstocks... all three brands that i always SWORE i'd never wear.
25. I'm obsessed with fake mustaches!