Monday, January 19, 2009

Ahhhhh.... much better...


i've finally gotten into the "flow" and I'm making stuff that I LIKE and finishing it! wow.... it's been a long time... or at least it feels like it's been a long time since I've done that...

Today, I put the encaustics, wax and collage stuff away, and broke out the acrylic paints.... good ol' trusty acrylics....

And i finished the chandelier:

(I think it looks better in real life than this pic... but that's just my opinion)

and, on the piece that I collaged the hexagon dress patterns, I decided I wanted a moth... (I've had a love for moths since this summer in North Carolina... I like them so much better than butterflies...)... not just any moth, but one of the silk worm moths... so using these "mothels" (okay... bad joke...).... I used these moths to model my moth after:

And this is what it looked like in process:

I still have more work to do.... I'm trying to keep it somewhat transparent... using very watered down paints... but I also want it to be bright... it could take a while:

Both pieces are about 24"x24"..... so i'm also glad that I have work that's larger than I usually do...

I also am high on the feeling of accomplishment (meaning: actually finishing a piece that I like).....

And i like both pieces.... and I like them enough to where I don't really care if I'm the only person in the world who likes them... (of course I want other people to like them), but they say what I want them to say... and mean something to me... and I like them... and that feels fantastic!

I watched the first American Idol tonight... I love that show!

Another show I love is the Daily Show... This episode (before "super tuesday" in 2000) is appropriate, for several reasons:

a. this is before Bush became President... and right now he's about to become a former President

b. This is about Midland (where I am now)

c. This is about Cooties... and unless you're vaccinated (circle circle dot dot)... you may be infected ... although boys are at a higher risk for cooties than girls are....


Anonymous said...

Ryann you should totally open an online store and sell replicas of your work. I'm loving the moth piece.

Anonymous said...

i think they look fab! good job!

Ryann Rathbone said...

Thank you! I'm finally happy with some stuff... i feel like i was forcing the encaustic too much... maybe i need to keep working with acrylics mostly for a while...

how do i set up a online store? I have a website... but I'd have to find a place for printing that I could count on... my head is spinning thinking about it...

Anonymous said...

I'm not entirely sure on how to set up online stores but I know when the company I work for made christmas hampers we had a store on paypal.
Don't think of it as something that has to be done, more of an idea to throw around :)