Monday, September 8, 2008

Road to Athens...

I'm in Athens, GA, in our hotel room. Kelly went to meet her friend out downtown for a bit.

The drive today was 13 hours. It's the longest drive that we have between stops. Today we drove through Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia...

You see interesting things when you drive on the road that long and that far. (Like the truck pic above) Kelly and I saw something that was dead on the side of the road... We guessed, it had to be a sasquatch, or chupacabra or a ROUS (rodent of unusual size - we got that from the movie the Prince's Bride)... She thought it could be a beaver... but I don't think they get THAT big... I think our guess of ROUS was closer...

The puppy was good and laid down the whole time. She's really a sweet girl.

I already miss my pup, Dylan... although I know he's doing just fine.

I'm still really tired. I woke up this morning with a sore throat... Tired + sore throat = me praying I'm not getting sick. I've felt so tired for a while now... maybe I should have listened to my tiredness, rather than trying to ignore it.... or maybe I'm totally fine... just tired.... and sore throat could be allergies...

I've gone a whole year without getting sick... not a cold, the flu or anything... I may be just superstitious, but it seems like as soon as I lost that necklace... well... I won't finish that thought.... because I'm thinking positive. I'll wake up tomorrow and feel great.

I'm looking forward to seeing Mike at Penland, Eva in DC and Nicole in NYC!

Even though we got into Athens at night time, and I haven't seen much of it (at all), this place seems to have a really nice energy... I think I'll really like seeing more of Athens tomorrow.

Alright... gonna try and get some really good restful sleep now.