Thursday, August 14, 2008

Heart Menders and late night Brick Busters

This is the first painting of a hummingbird I did last November... It's called "Heart Mender" (keep reading... I explain).

So, I lied... well... not really... I just changed my mind.

I started thinking about all of the driving I had ahead of me, and instead of waiting a day, I decided to leave for Nasheville after my roommate got home from work. I thought it would be better to break up the drive with two nights in Tenn before heading to Midland...

I packed up my car, R(H)onda... all of my stuff (incredible that it all fits in there!) and took off for Nashville...

Actually... it wasn't THAT easy... Saying goodbye to people, Penland, even the state where I experienced so much healing this summer was HARD... I bawled after saying goodbye to Mike, Jake, LCW, Penland.... even Spruce Pine and good ol' 19e... I was annoyingly sentimental and emotional... It's not like I don't plan to come back...

Why is it that every time I leave NC, I feel like I won't be coming back for a long time? It's not like I can't drive there... or fly...or have a place to stay...

M found a dead hummingbird over a year ago... I've heard from a Shaman I met, that Hummingbird wings are to mend the heart... M gave me the wings... It is so special to me to have "heart menders" given to me by someone who has been one of the essential people in helping my heart mend this summer, while leaving a place and other people that also helped my healing in such a significant way... I'm sure there are more places, experiences and people who will help mend it even more... but after spending 3, almost, 4, months in NC... I couldn't have asked for a more symbolic token of the healing that has taken place. Special... very special... and I cried for the next several hours as I drove into Tenn.

I arrived in Nashville late... but not too late to order a cheeseburger at PM (the sushi place). It was awesome... and amazing... but this time, not surprisingly awesome and amazing... but it was still as FABULOUS as I'd remembered.

I'm going to visit with W over a cup of coffee tomorrow (not too early) and then head to Memphis...

I should be asleep now... I'm REALLY tired.... BUT I was trying to figure out my new phone... and stumbled across a game... it's called brick buster or something... it's REALLY stupid... but also addictive. I don't think the game is as addictive as trying to beat my previous score... hopefully I'll never play it again. But I might... I kinda wanna beat that score... too bad they don't have Boggle on my phone... or maybe that's a good thing.


Anonymous said...

Can I ask you where this Sushi Place with the best burger is? I really want to go there.

I love your blog by the way! Your art is amazing!

Wishing you the best.

Ryann Rathbone said...

Thank you! It's in Nashville and is called PM cafe.
